Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Slats Trying to Dump Salary to Gain Sundin

Quick blog for those of you going thru withdrawl over the last month.

New York Ranger GM Glen Sather has been told by the Sundin Camp that Sundin wants to be a Ranger. Contract details have been agreed to. However, it depends on if Slather is able to dump salary to make enough room under the salary cap to accomodate Sundin. Slather is presently working to do this. If Slats can't, Sundin is a Vancouver Canuck.

If he becomes a Canuck, it may only be for this season. Sundin wants to be a New York Ranger, and will be before he retires. You heard it here first.

1 comment:

Dominic said...

Finally...he's back! Bulldog is still alive!!!!! :o)